Ecosystem Aptozeum

These main products features and mechanisms are;

  • Aptozeum Launchpad

  • Aptozeum Staking

  • Aptozeum Swap (AMM)

  • Aptozeum MultiSender

  • Aptozeum NFT

These sets of elements are chosen so they drive win/win situations between the parties involved in our ecosystem, which are mainly;

  • Entrepreneurs, innovators, and project teams

  • Token holders

  • Community members

In this whitepaper, we will go through all the core product features and mechanisms of the Aptozeum ecosystem, one by one, and within each section we will explore how the parties involved in our ecosystem.

While the elements mentioned in this whitepaper are the base versions of Aptozeum ecosystem, Aptozeum will begin from the first days of release, so to go over all the details of user interfaces, workflows and numerical parameters with our community, to release products which are fully tested, and improved by community feedback loops.

Last updated